

The busy woman’s 12 week guide to owning their own health

Who is this for?

If you are...

Feeling over stimulated, stressed or anxious

Struggling with your weight

Low confidence

Constantly people pleasing

Low self-worth

Struggling to balance time

In a cycle of negative self-talk

Not able to achieve your goals due self-sabotaging

Then this is for you!

Picture this...

Reduce stress ​and anxiety

Lose weight and ​keep it off

Body confidence ​and self-love

Healthy ​sustainable habits

Stress and anxiety no ​longer dominates your ​life. You manage daily ​pressures with ease, ​enjoying a more peaceful ​and balanced mindset.

You have reached and ​maintained your ideal ​weight through ​sustainable lifestyle ​changes. Your body is ​healthier, fit, energetic ​and free from the ​constant yo-yo dieting.

You embrace your body ​with confidence and love. ​You feel proud of your ​appearance, radiating ​self-assurance and ​positivity in every aspect ​of your life.

You have mastered ​lifelong healthy habits ​that support your overall ​well-being. Nutritious ​eating, regular exercise, ​hydration and ​mindfulness are ​seamlessly integrated ​into your daily routine.

If that sounds to good to be true, I want you to know that I get it...

As a child, I was picked on for my weight, which led to a life filled with ​constant negative self-talk and feelings of never being good enough. In my ​early 20s, I struggled with maintaining a healthy weight and was caught in a ​cycle of yo-yo dieting, binge drinking and unhealthy habits, never finding ​happiness and always regaining the weight. By 2019, stress had taken its ​toll, leading to panic attacks and anxiety that ruined my life and ​relationships, leaving me feeling lost. In 2022, I adopted a holistic lifestyle ​approach that truly saved me. Now, I feel like myself again, managing stress ​effectively, free from anxiety and panic attacks, maintaining a healthy ​weight and having a positive relationship with food. I am happy, thriving ​and I love the person who looks back at me in the mirror!

This is exactly why I am able to help you do the same, and this is ​how...

Step 01

Step 02

Step 03

Realistic goal setting

Phase 1 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to uncertainty and step ​into clarity and purpose. With a structured goal-​setting framework and daily motivation exercises, ​you’ll finish this phase feeling empowered, ready to ​take actionable steps towards your aspirations.

Nutrition and exercise habits

Phase 2 takes 2 weeks to complete. We will kiss ​goodbye to unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary ​lifestyle, embracing balance and energetic living. ​You’ll learn about portion control, mindful eating and ​a balanced diet. You'll enjoy realistic workouts ​tailored to your lifestyle and increase your daily step ​count.

Positive self-talk

Phase 3 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to self-criticism and step ​into self-compassion and encouragement. With daily ​affirmations and mindfulness exercises, you’ll finish ​this phase feeling empowered and supportive of ​your own journey towards personal growth.

Step 04

Step 05

Step 06

Overcoming possible barriers

Phase 4 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to obstacles and step ​into a mindset of problem-solving and resilience. ​Through identifying potential challenges and ​creating actionable strategies to overcome them, ​you’ll finish this phase feeling prepared and ​confident in your ability to navigate setbacks.

Combating self-sabotaging

Phase 5 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to destructive habits and ​step into a life of self-support and empowerment. ​With a focus on understanding and identifying the ​root causes of self-sabotaging behaviors, ​recognizing triggers, and applying behavior change ​techniques, you’ll learn to shift your mindset from ​self-sabotaging to self-support.

Limiting beliefs and visualisation

Phase 6 takes 2 weeks to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to limiting beliefs and ​negative thinking and step into a mindset of ​positivity and possibility. With awareness exercises ​to identify and challenge limiting beliefs, the use of ​positive affirmations and powerful visualisation ​techniques to manifest your goals, you’ll transform ​your mindset.

Step 07

Emotional well-being & self-worth

Phase 7 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to emotional turmoil and ​step into emotional resilience and self-worth. Through ​emotional awareness exercises and self-care ​practices, you’ll finish this phase feeling more ​grounded and confident in your ability.

Step 08

Mastering your evening routine

Phase 8 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to restless nights and step ​into rejuvenating evenings that promote energy and ​vitality. Through establishing a calming bedtime ​routine, you’ll finish this phase feeling refreshed and r​eady to embrace each day with vigor.

Step 09

Self-care and mindfulness

Phase 9 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to neglecting self-care and ​step into nurturing habits that prioritise your well-being.​ With mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques,​ you’ll finish this phase feeling centered and more​ connected to your inner peace.​

Step 10

Step 11

Bo​nus Session

Time management and support

Phase 10 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to chaotic schedules and ​overwhelm and step into organised, efficient living. By ​building a strong support network of friends and ​family, you’ll also establish healthy boundaries. You’ll ​finish this phase feeling organised, supported and ​ready to maintain a balanced and productive lifestyle.

Celebrating success and future ​planning

Phase 11 takes 1 week to complete. This is the phase ​where we will kiss goodbye to self-doubt and step into ​a mindset of celebration and forward-thinking. With a ​comprehensive review of the past 12 weeks, we will ​celebrate the achievements and progress you’ve ​made. Together, we will develop a long-term plan for ​maintaining and building on your success.

Meet your coach...

Paris Louise Janes

PLJ Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Internationally Accredited Transformative Life Coach

Qualified Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Experienced Teacher

What My Clients Say

12 week program

6 week program

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“Under Paris’s holistic coaching, ​I’ve transitioned from unhealthy ​eating habits to mindful choices. ​Simple yet effective swaps to ​help with my autoimmune ​condition, have become ​embedded in my daily routines, ​eating and shopping habits.”

- KG -

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“It was through the 1:2:1 coaching ​that challenged my beliefs of ​myself, this was massive for me. ​These lifestyle changes, coupled ​with coaching is so effective and ​empowering that each one ​encourages the other.”

- Sarah -

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“Paris has a very natural and ​nurturing way of making you feel ​comfortable and want to open ​up about your challenges, which ​can be really hard and exposing. ​She was continuously sending ​messages or support and gentle ​nudges when needed.”

- Danielle -


What is holistic coaching?

What is the difference between ​coaching & therapy?

What is self-sabotaging?

"Holistic" means that all parts are interconnected to form a ​whole. Holistic life coaching uses this idea to integrate all ​aspects of a person's life for balance and well-being. ​Unlike traditional coaching, which may focus only on ​career or health, holistic coaching helps clients make ​lifestyle changes that improve their overall well-being.

Coaching focuses on setting and achieving future goals, ​enhancing performance and creating strategies for ​improvement. Therapy addresses past issues, emotional ​traumas and mental health disorders, aiming to foster healing ​and understanding.

Self-sabotaging involves behaviours or thoughts that ​undermine your success and well-being, such as ​procrastination and negative self-talk. It often stems from fear ​of failure, low self-esteem or unresolved emotional issues.

Wh​at are limiting beliefs?

Ca​n I really change my mindset?

How do i know coaching is right ​for me?

Limiting beliefs are deeply held convictions that constrain your ​abilities and potential. They often manifest as negative thoughts ​or assumptions, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I can't ​succeed," and can prevent you from achieving your goals and ​living to your fullest potential. Overcoming these beliefs ​involves identifying and challenging them to create a more ​empowering mindset.

Yes, you can absolutely change your mindset. By identifying ​and challenging limiting beliefs, practicing positive self-talk ​and engaging in activities like mindfulness and visualisation, ​you can shift your perspective. With consistent effort and the ​right strategies, you can develop a more positive and ​empowering mindset that supports your goals and overall ​well-being.

Coaching might be right for you if you’re ready to make changes, ​have clear goals or areas you want to improve and are open to ​feedback and new approaches. It’s ideal if you seek ​accountability and are committed to personal growth. If these ​resonate with you, coaching could be a great fit and an initial ​consultation can help confirm if it aligns with your needs.

Money Back Guarentee

Four Paintings on Wall

I am THAT confident in the ability ​to get you results that this ​programme comes with a 100% ​money back guarantee. So if you ​get to the end of the programme ​and you’re not happy with the ​results - I will refund you 100% of ​any money you’ve paid towards ​the programme

Book a call today to find out what your transformation would look like...

This is your blueprint to transform your life. Seamlessly ​integrate wellness into your busy schedule and achieve ​your health and personal goals. With realistic goal ​setting, mindset shifts, improved nutrition and a ​supportive community, you'll gain the tools to thrive and ​create the balanced, fulfilling life you deserve, even if ​you're starting from scratch.

On a discovery call, you can expect to explore your goals, get to ​know each other and determine how my coaching program can ​help you create lasting, positive change in your life.



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Welcome gift and bonus session

Welcome gift

As a ‘Thank you’ for choosing me as your coach, you will receive a ​special welcome gift. This gift will support you along your journey.

Bonus session

As you might have noticed, Step 11 is a bonus session for FREE! ​During this additional week (week 13) you will gain all the support ​you need to ensure future progress.