Paris Louise Janes


My mission is to empower women who are dissatisfied with their current ​health and want to transform their approach to caring for their body and ​mind. Having struggled with my own health journey since my late teens, I ​faced unique challenges as a woman that drove me to delve deeply into ​women’s health and psychology.

I am committed to forming an authentic connection with my clients, which ​is why I offer a complimentary discovery call. This call allows us to discuss ​your personal goals and ensure we’re a good fit, so I can confidently guide ​you toward achieving them.

get started

“I can honestly say that with Paris guiding me through this journey I have learnt so much. I was full of ​negative thoughts and I didn’t realise how negative I actually was - 6 weeks in I’m seeing so many positive ​outcomes. I have noticed I am so joyful and laughing a lot and I’ve learnt not to be so hard on myself and ​that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to.

I’ve also learnt a lot about nutrition and what my body needs, and I have had a massive change of ​appearance with my weight loss. I can see and feel a change within my body, which is a feeling I didn’t think ​I would ever feel.

I am so thankful for Paris with her support, her complements and her constant encouragement.”


Who is ​this for?

If you are...

Feeling over stimulated, stressed or anxious

Struggling with your weight

Low confidence

Constantly people pleasing

Low self-worth

Struggling to balance time

In a cycle of negative self-talk

Not able to achieve your goals due self-sabotaging

Then this is for you!

Picture this...

Reduce stress ​and anxiety

Lose weight and ​keep it off

Body confidence ​and self-love

Healthy ​sustainable habits

Stress and anxiety no ​longer dominates your ​life. You manage daily ​pressures with ease, ​enjoying a more peaceful ​and balanced mindset.

You have reached and ​maintained your ideal ​weight through ​sustainable lifestyle ​changes. Your body is ​healthier, fit, energetic ​and free from the ​constant yo-yo dieting.

You embrace your body ​with confidence and love. ​You feel proud of your ​appearance, radiating ​self-assurance and ​positivity in every aspect ​of your life.

You have mastered ​lifelong healthy habits ​that support your overall ​well-being. Nutritious ​eating, regular exercise, ​hydration and ​mindfulness are ​seamlessly integrated ​into your daily routine.

Meet your coach...

Paris Louise Janes

PLJ Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Internationally Accredited Transformative Life Coach

Qualified Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Experienced Teacher

Single Session

This one-off virtual session is perfect for ​both new and returning clients who need ​support, ideas, and accountability for a ​single topic or small issue.

If you decide to go into a 12 week package ​we may be able to use this as your initial ​deep dive.

90 minutes of virtual coaching

A post-session summary via portal

Access to an online client portal through ​Asana


Vitality ​Unleashed

12 weeks

Throughout this journey, we'll delve into ​your past, pinpoint your challenges, and ​lay the groundwork for a new lifestyle. This ​is an intensive coaching program, so ​anticipate frequent communication and ​close collaboration.

90 minute deep-dive initial session

60 minute virtual coaching sessions

Post-session summary via portal

Acess to an online client portal through ​Asana


6 Week reset

This coaching package is ideal for those ​seeking support with accountability and ​integration, especially if you're new to ​coaching and want to explore it before ​fully committing. It offers a gentle ​introduction to working with a coach and ​helps you ease into the process.

45 minute deep-dive initial session

30 minute virtual coaching sessions

Nutrition and Mindset guide

Post-session summary via portal

Access to an online client portal through ​Asana


Rather than offering one-size-fits-all solutions, we’ll dive deep into your unique life circumstances, ​exploring everything from your daily routines and personal history to your relationships. This approach ​helps us identify and address the underlying factors that will enable you to achieve a comprehensive, ​holistic lifestyle.

Together, we’ll tackle your limiting beliefs and existing habits, replacing them with a vibrant, active lifestyle, ​a balanced wholefood diet and effective mindfulness practices. Expect to be amazed by your progress. ​Throughout our journey, I'll provide you with consistent support, honest feedback and accountability to ​ensure your success. As always, our time together in non-judgmental. I understand firsthand how difficult ​these changes can be so i am here to support you every step of the way.

What My Clients Say

12 week program

6 week program

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“Under Paris’s holistic coaching, ​I’ve transitioned from unhealthy ​eating habits to mindful choices. ​Simple yet effective swaps to ​help with my autoimmune ​condition, have become ​embedded in my daily routines, ​eating and shopping habits.”

- KG -

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“It was through the 1:2:1 coaching ​that challenged my beliefs of ​myself, this was massive for me. ​These lifestyle changes, coupled ​with coaching is so effective and ​empowering that each one ​encourages the other.”

- Sarah -

Modern Short Burst Frame Thin Outline

“Paris has a very natural and ​nurturing way of making you feel ​comfortable and want to open ​up about your challenges, which ​can be really hard and exposing. ​She was continuously sending ​messages or support and gentle ​nudges when needed.”

- Danielle -


What is holistic coaching?

What is the difference between ​coaching & therapy?

What is self-sabotaging?

"Holistic" means that all parts are interconnected to form a ​whole. Holistic life coaching uses this idea to integrate all ​aspects of a person's life for balance and well-being. ​Unlike traditional coaching, which may focus only on ​career or health, holistic coaching helps clients make ​lifestyle changes that improve their overall well-being.

Coaching focuses on setting and achieving future goals, ​enhancing performance and creating strategies for ​improvement. Therapy addresses past issues, emotional ​traumas and mental health disorders, aiming to foster healing ​and understanding.

Self-sabotaging involves behaviours or thoughts that ​undermine your success and well-being, such as ​procrastination and negative self-talk. It often stems from fear ​of failure, low self-esteem or unresolved emotional issues.

Wh​at are limiting beliefs?

Ca​n I really change my mindset?

How do i know coaching is right ​for me?

Limiting beliefs are deeply held convictions that constrain your ​abilities and potential. They often manifest as negative thoughts ​or assumptions, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I can't ​succeed," and can prevent you from achieving your goals and ​living to your fullest potential. Overcoming these beliefs ​involves identifying and challenging them to create a more ​empowering mindset.

Yes, you can absolutely change your mindset. By identifying ​and challenging limiting beliefs, practicing positive self-talk ​and engaging in activities like mindfulness and visualisation, ​you can shift your perspective. With consistent effort and the ​right strategies, you can develop a more positive and ​empowering mindset that supports your goals and overall ​well-being.

Coaching might be right for you if you’re ready to make changes, ​have clear goals or areas you want to improve and are open to ​feedback and new approaches. It’s ideal if you seek ​accountability and are committed to personal growth. If these ​resonate with you, coaching could be a great fit and an initial ​consultation can help confirm if it aligns with your needs.

get started

Book a call today to find out what your transformation would look like...

This is your blueprint to transform your life. Seamlessly ​integrate wellness into your busy schedule and achieve ​your health and personal goals. With realistic goal ​setting, mindset shifts, improved nutrition and a ​supportive community, you'll gain the tools to thrive and ​create the balanced, fulfilling life you deserve, even if ​you're starting from scratch.

On a discovery call, you can expect to explore your goals, get to ​know each other and determine how my coaching program can ​help you create lasting, positive change in your life.



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Money Back Guarentee

Four Paintings on Wall

I am THAT confident in the ability ​to get you results that this ​programme comes with a 100% ​money back guarantee. So if you ​get to the end of the programme ​and you’re not happy with the ​results - I will refund you 100% of ​any money you’ve paid towards ​the programme